How to Celebrate Friendship Day – Some Ideas

booming friendship party

We all know friendship day is a day of close and true friends when they spend their quality time together. Let’s celebrate International Friendship Day on every first Sunday of August in each year to dedicate the same towards true friends. Now the question may arise – how to celebrate friendship day?

So take a look to have an idea of celebration:-

Start a day with warm wishes

Friends are forever but friendship day comes once in a year. So take out your mobile phone, drop a message or call him or her immediately to wish with a right gesture. If you have a group of common friends, better to arrange for a group calling and share your talks together with others.
You may write a special note or share sweet songs to honor them and to show how special they are.

Friendship Day Band friendship day band

Of course, the most common yet old method of celebration. We still remember the school days when we used to prepare handmade bands or buy the same from the market and tied the bands on friends hands. Time is still not changed, though the band style may change to the bracelet which is versatile in nature. As a symbol of the band, you can gift another form of jewellery which is mostly liked by your friends.

Gift ExchangingFriendship day gifts

Friendship is nothing like formality yet exchanging small gifts will never harm you, in fact, gives a warm pleasure to your friends. As a gift, you may opt for the photo frames consisting your pictures, homemade gifts, pens, notebook, wallets, or other which is mostly liked by your friends or willing to buy. Due to lack of time, one may not be available to buy the things directly from the store, so you may opt for the online gifting store in India which will be delivering the desirous gifts at your friend’s doorstep.

Spend Quality time together

No excuse will be given of lacking a time. Reason being, friendship day falls on Sunday on which everyone is free to move out. It would be blasting to spend time together with some unique ideas like:

  • Go for the shopping altogether
  • Have a dinner or lunch
  • Go for a movie
  • Can go for the adventurous or entertainment place to gather sweet memories
  • Can go for the long drive

One may opt for the nearest place to roam around and to celebrate the friendship day in a promising way to make the day more special. One need to spare some hours for friends out of the busy schedule.

Enjoy day with the booming party booming friendship party

Youngsters are quite keen to have blasting fun so they prefer to throw a party at the disco or some loud place. Make a plan, choose the wise place and throw a party. You may make it more special by designing creative invitation cards, welcoming friends with warm hugs, arranging music sessions and dancing, and speaking out from your hearts.
Try to avoid alcohol or other things which may ruin your day or harmful for your body physic.

Best Friendship Spirits Forever

Do not take it as a day only, just cherish the whole years with the true spirit of friendship. Help them at the time of need, share your experiences, be true to your friend, do not hide things related to them, Encourage them to do well, be in touch always and keep on visiting on a random basis.

Celebrate the international friendship day on first Sunday of every August in each year with no excuse of a busy schedule. Have a joyful day, avoid your conflict with the direct communication and build a healthy relationship. Happy friendship day guys!!

Friendship Day – A Festive for True Friends

happy friendship day 2016

What is friendship day? Why is friendship day celebrated? When is friendship day celebrated? There are too many questions running in the mind of people or youth like us. Some say it is just a day like others, some try to elaborate with the most promising resolutions towards friends. Actually, friends are the most important part of our life, as friends make us feel better, make us laugh. We can share anything without thinking too much or without getting worried. If friends are such a blessings, so we should make a celebration for their existence in our life.

happy friendship day 2016What is Friendship Day?

We celebrate the Friendship day to dedicate the day to our special friends and companions to cherish the special moments, explore the best part of the relationship, and to tell them how special or important they are in our life.

Why is Friendship Day celebrated?

There are too many stories behind the celebration of friendship day, though there is no fixed reason has been found till now. Still following points may elaborate the importance of Friendship Day:

  • It is first started when the US congress declared the first Sunday of August as friendship day in 1935 and happy friendship dayeventually celebrated each year.
  • Winnie the Pooh became the ambassador or friendship in 1997
  • One can feel True friendship in the old testimonial of the bible, where Abraham is referred as a friend of God.
  • One can feel the true friendship with the real emotions of Shri Krishna towards Arjuna in Mahabharata.

true friendship example

Above mentioned are the live resemblances paying tributes towards true friendship.

The idea of celebrating the friendship day is formally caught up by the youngsters only and now, it is celebrated in whole countries. Though the idea is being taken in light by the US country, but later, every country adopted this as a tradition which is good for the healthy relationship among several countries. Now it is celebrated as the international friendship day to motivate others to forget complications and to strengthen the relationships.

When is Friendship Day celebrated?

Presently, friendship day is celebrated all across the globe as a national day. Some socio-cultural organizations are celebrating the national friendship day enthusiastically on every first Sunday of August in each year. They host the program or events, invites coworkers, make some performance, enjoy with dinner and food to create a healthy atmosphere of get-together.

Though there is no fixed rule on how to celebrate the friendship day, yet people love to celebrate the day with too many creative ideas. It includes – sending messages and giving warm wishes through greetings cards, exchanging gifts, organizing a party, giving surprise visits, tagging them with the special notes and expressing how they matter in their life, cutting cakes, gifting friendship day bands, etc.

Whatever the mood is, we at blog vertex would like to give a message to all the youths, – celebrate friendship day from a heart, not as a formality. Friends are the precious gifts which are chosen by you only, so choose them wisely. Praise them but criticize them as well in case of mistakes. Make them understand. Be a wellwisher always and stop them for any unethical performances. Do good, be good. Happy Friendship day to all!!

What to gift a boy on his birthday

what gift a boy on his birthday

Girls are always curious and excited for her partner’s birthday. She began to plan in advance for his birthday. And why not! Her life partner is always precious for a girl, so his birthday is always special for a girl. But now the question arises- how to make his birthday special and its memory everlasting. Gifts are just formality but gifts are the actual way to express your feeling and love towards your partner. No specific rule or principle to gift someone, it totally depends what your heart says. Always follow your heart rather your mind. Let’s discuss some points to make his birthday special and memorable.

1. Stationary

Branded pen, executive folder, business diary, paper weight, etc. are the common gifting items in stationary which a boy can carry with him or place in his office. Gifts do contain true feelings yet the gifts must be worthy and useful. Usually boy doesn’t prefer to write too much but yet having good stationery enhance his personality. As far as his career concern, you can also design visiting cards by his name and gift him.

2. Formal Dress

It is not as difficult to choose a dress for a boy as difficult to choose a dress for a girl. Instead of casual dress up, formal dress can be gifted for specific purposes like for offices, interviews, seminars etc.  Formal dress includes shirt, tie, blazer, jacket etc. Color choice needs proper attention, it should not be too eye extracting. Choice of dress should match with the boy personality. Apart from the dress, tie pin and brooch can also be gifted.

3. Daily use items

Like perfumes, wallet, belt, goggles, watches, bracelets etc. These are some of the items boy usually prefer to use on daily basis. Gifting useful items always make remind of a girl whenever using the items.

4. Electronic items

Boys fond of latest techniques and branded electronic items whether it is mobile phone, tablets, laptops, iPod or any other electronic device. It you have high budget to spend on a boy, an electronic item in form of mobile phone can be precious gift for a boy which he keeps all the time with him. Features of electronic items depend of boy’s requirements.

5. Ring

When you are in mood to purpose a boy or want to make him feel special, collect and buy a ring for him. Kneel down in front of the boy, present the ring with some wonderful lines. It is always said that a girl is always good in expressing her feelings through words. So use this precious weapon to impress him and to wish him.

6. Hangout with him

When the love is new, couple need privacy to spend quality time with each other.  Make a plan for a movie, adventurous activities, resorts, night disco etc.  Boy love fun, masti and adventurous activities, so cheer him with such thing. You can also booze with your boy to accompany him.

7. Surprise party

No doubt, girls are always best in arranging surprise party. If you are aware of his family members, friends, and his favorite location, you can arrange a surprise party without letting him know. You can take help of his close friends of office colleague as well. Presenting something beautiful in a surprise way makes the gift more beautiful.

Apart from this, Printed coffee mug, Photo frame, Guitar (if he loves to play), Printed cushion, cake etc. can also be gifted. Online stores have facilitated the same for gifting anything for anyone. There is no specific funda to gift a boy, emotions and feelings matters. Gifts may be simple but the way to presenting the same may make it more special. I would like to share my gifting experience. I purchased a watch for my partner, Sachin. Though the watch was not so costly, but rather giving in a pack, I tied the watch surprisingly on his wrist when he was driving a car. He felt happy and always carry this watch with him always.

Flowers, greetings cards, etc. can be complimentary but boys are not fond of such things.  A promise to keep him happy and to be with him in any situation can be the best gift for him. Materialistic items do have some importance, but emotions can’t be replaced by anything. Just make his day by making him happy. Enjoy and Celebrate Birthday with wishes from my side also.

What to Gift a Girl on Her Birthday

birthday gift for girlfriend and wife

What to gift a girl on her birthday- question is always tough and clueless as boys are always dumb in this particular task. Here the girl denotes your girlfriend or life partner. Actually gifts are not essential, though it plays an important role to strengthen the relation. Gifts whether small or big, budgeted or costly, brings the smile on someone face. And to bring smile – is the biggest gift for any boy or a girl. Gifting doesn’t demand special mind set or intelligence, your heart should be pure enough to make your partner happy and to make her day special. Girls are quite sensitive so some are the famous gifting items are:

  1. Chocolates

Though you must be thinking that she is not a small girl!! Oh, then forget this mindset. Girls are Kiddish inside their hearts and always love sweets in form of chocolates, ice-creams etc. Chocolates are the less costly gift to bring a big smile on her face.

  1. Soft Toys

Yup another Kiddish item! Softness of soft toys melts the girl hearts. Size of Soft Toys not matters a lot, yet choice of colors can be made with great care or while keeping in mind the girls’ likings.

  1. Greeting Cards with Warm Wishes

Greeting cards are quite common gift which can be exchanged throng friends as well. But the main difference is the wishes underlying the cards. Just write some lines from your heart which could make her feel special. Writing is not tough part, it just need clear dedication. You need not be a professional writer; feelings through writing are the best writing.

  1. Dresses

Of course, to choose dress for a girl is the toughest part any boy ever had in his life. But yet, if you are aware of your girl nature, you can choose a dress for her accordingly. Girls are always fond of trendy dresses and this is also true, they are always conscious about their dresses wherever they go. Instead of giving her a surprise, you may take her to a shop to buy her dresses.

  1. Ring

This is the most romantic thing which has no replacement. The thing which is everlasting along with a love proposal. Ring doesn’t means to be of gold. Ring should be ring. When it comes to emotions, price not matters, feelings matters.

  1. Flowers

Flowers are the cheapest and forever trendy gift to show your true love and affection towards girl.  Flowers are long lasting, but still it gives the true picture of your feeling and it is the best way to impress a beautiful girl. A single flower or a bunch of flowers can make a day or a memory everlasting.

  1. Jewellery

Girls are fond of makeup and artificial jewellery. Though ring also comes under jewellery but it has significant value than the other jewellery. Artificial jewellery denote anklets, bracelets, neck piece, earrings, nose pin, bangles etc. choice depends on the girls or on the mutual understanding of both.

  1. Perfumes

Sweet fragrance always cheerful and enhance the charisma of a person. Girls don’t like high fragrance perfumes; they usually prefer light and soft smell perfumes which stays longer. Again the choice of perfumes is the crucial decisions but social media somehow helped the guy to choose the best one for his girl.

  1. Small Pet

A live small pet or puppy or rabbit etc. can also be gifted to a girl. Being of Kiddish nature, girl jumps with excitement after watching any pet. But all girls are not in same nature. Gift the pet only when you are aware of her interest towards pet

  1. Party Arrangement or Hang Out Together

Though a surprise party always cheers anyone, and girls always prefer to spend quality time with the partner. So you can also arrange/organize surprise birthday party with balloons, cakes for her or can hang out with her at some adventurous place. Candlelight dinner with a romantic dance can also be great part of her day.

The gifts are quite common but still boys get confused while gifting. Apart from the above things, some decorative items, show piece for home, note pad, bags, pen, folders can be gifted. If you are creative one, you can modify her picture in a beautiful way and can gift her photo. Or you can express your love towards her while writing or showing presentation including a romantic song.

Actually gifting or celebrating birthdays are some special occasions to collect the memories. Happiness doesn’t depend on the expensive gifts, in fact, true emotions and love matters. Yet one should always try his best to make her day beautiful. This will make your love everlasting

Someone has rightly said Happiness lies on small things, not on expensive ones’. So celebrate the day with great happiness, fun and cheer.